Edupanda » Strength of materials »  Eccentric Axial Load » Complex Problems

List of examples

Example 5


For a given eccentrically loaded cross-section with longitudinal compressive force, find:
– stresses at characteristic points of the cross-section
– draw a stress block (in axonometry)
– provide the equation and draw the neutral axis
– determine the core of the cross-section

Example 7


A column with a cross-section as shown in the diagram is loaded with a force P=100kN. Calculate the stresses at the corners of the cross-section, determine the neutral axis and the core of the section.

Example 8


Design the cross-section of a bar subjected to an eccentric force at the given eccentricities. Draw the neutral axis in the principal central coordinate system. Draw the stress block.

Data: P=45 kN, ey=0.8a, ez=0.7a, R=200 MPa