Edupanda » Strength of materials »  Deflections » Design for Deflection

List of examples

Example 1


What is the minimum value of the parameter 'a' for which the maximum deflection of the beam shown in the figure does not exceed 1cm? The Young's modulus is E=200 GPa.

Example 2


What is the maximum value of q at which the maximum deflection of the beam shown in the figure does not exceed 1.5cm? The Young's modulus is 210 GPa.

Example 3


What is the minimum value of the parameter "a" for which the maximum deflection of the beam shown in the figure does not exceed 1 cm? Draw a diagram of shear forces and bending moments for the given beam. The Young's modulus is E=200GPa.

Example 4


What is the minimum value of parameter 'a' for which the maximum deflection of the beam shown in the figure does not exceed 2cm? The Young's modulus is 205GPa.